Taking the Judges Course


Monday 3/2/15

Final day to get your scores in for 15.1!

This morning, I’m in the gym and I get to judge. A woman! ( Carol ) She’s excited, I’m more excited! I get the judges score sheet, she sets up her bar. She gives me a briefing on how she’s going to go about this- She’s doing 2 rounds and hitting 95# on her clean & jerk. I’m thinking Yeah ok Carol? This is the open, wait until your super powers kick in. 3-2-1 GO!! We are maybe 3 minutes into the workout and Carol is done with 2 rounds. Her super powers have kicked in & her plan goes out the window! She finished with many more rounds then she had planned. Her clean & jerks, she was so ready for 95# that she well surpassed her goal.

She was excited-I was excited and 15.1 came to an end.

Knowing what you are capable of and applying it is one thing but seeing what someone else is capable of is exciting!

Leaving the gym

My coach ( George ) casually says I should take the judges course. I never even considered this until he said it.

I don’t even remember giving him an answer but Monday night I am prepping for the course.

**Monday night 3/2/15

Taking the judges course

Lets be real, sitting down to take the Judges course and test is not an easy task. I have 3 kids, homework, dinner, baths, stories, and bedtime. Not to mention everything in between, like building Rome in a day. I do this all for time, solo, every night.

I’ve heard the judges course takes hours, causes your blood pressure to rise, has broken a few laptops, and has taken years off the lives of Crossfitters around the world.

“Take the judges course” he said.

” Its so informative ” he said.

” Its so fun ” he said.

OK I added in the last part I cant remember if he actually said it would be fun but it would be an experience so I’m in.

All kids in bed- cup of tea & protein bar in hand. Laptop on my bed-in PJs and I log in!

Crap I have to pay $10 for this and my CC is in the car.

Coat on- kids wake to find out where I’m going, protein bar gets eaten by a kid who thinks its a random chocolate bar I keep at my bedside and my tea is now ice tea.

I have the credit card, I log in and the course begins.

There are 6 modules, I must successfully complete each module and answer questions in order to move forward. If you get 1 wrong you must start over.

Remember what I told George before I did 15.1. I am know saying this to my laptop. Look here judges course I am here to learn and have fun I didn’t pay the $10 to get stressed out- no pressure!

I am moving along, I am learning, so far its fun. Then I’m stuck. There’s a picture of all these guys squatting. ( its the same guy in different positions ) I have to separate the good squats from the bad squats. My eye for squatting is obviously not up to par bc I continue to get this question wrong- over & over & over again!

Whats with this guy anyway? Why is he wearing black shorts and a black shirt? Doesn’t he realize how difficult this makes it for me to judge his squat? Its late!

I text a coach ( Lauren ) no reply

I text George- no reply

I text Lisa ( Georges wife ) no reply

My blood pressure is rising, the laptop is about to go out the window and I am losing years of my life.

In the midst of this, the kid that ate my protein bar comes in to tell me he still feels dirty and wants to take another shower. He feels like he has crumbs down his shirt- Yeah bc you ATE my protein bar! Guilty!

In the shower he goes!  I’m sitting on my toilet now, posting on facebook if anyone is awake. Maybe someone can figure this question out. The more I look at this question the more I come to terms with the fact that this guy in his black shirt and black shorts and smug look, is messing with me.

Oh hell I did NOT pay $10 to quit at module 2! I get the question right on my own, kid out of shower & back in bed. I find a new protein bar, make a hot cup of tea and move on to module 3!

2am I make it to module 4 and call it a night. Easily this course can be compared to a workout , just keep chipping away until time is called.

I paid $10, I cant stop now.

*** Wed 3/4/15

Skipped Tuesday because I needed some time away from that guy. Giving us some space has surely strengthened our bond and this morning Im ready for the final lap of this course.

I complete my warm up- 3 rounds for time of 3 lunches, 3 snacks, 3 packed backpacks, 3 fed kids, 3 dressed kids, all 3 kids out the door.

Back to the laptop, cup of tea, protein bar and module 5 opens. I cant see the videos, What the hell?

Yup the guy is still messing me, I am now in my husbands office on the computer.

Module 5 is hanging movements and Module 6 is scenarios. Im moving at a good pace, controlling my breathing and the crowd is yelling at me to keep going.

I make it to the last question, this is it! If I answer this question right I pass! Victory is mine!

Of course its the guy again, in a video, doing squat snatches with dumbbells and over the box jumps. I have to count his no reps. I’m kinda mad at this guy, I don’t like his black shirt , his shorts, his smug look and frankly why is he doing snatches with dumbbells that look far too light for him? Why is he doing over the box jumps when clearly he could fall and bang his shins pretty bad with those shorts! Put on some pants would ya?

I watch this guy over and over again before I submit my final answer. I click submit and the guy in the video apologizes for his outfit and congratulates me on my win.

OK a pop up screen appears that says correct and I can print out my certificate.

Crossfit asks me 1 final question before I shut down my computer.

Would I like to help judge submitted videos that need review?

Not now Crossfit,  that was enough fun for today! I think I will wait for 15.2 for my next dose of excitement.

2 thoughts on “Taking the Judges Course

  1. Kelly,
    I’m laughing out loud, your f’in hysterical, I just wanted to see the look on your face when you realized your protein bar was gone

    Liked by 1 person

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