Experiencing The Open ( Week 1- holy crap! It happened during The Open! )


** Monday 2/23/15

I am NO where near games worthy. I am not even on the same playing field as 1/2 of the athletes in my box. Wait, Am I even an athlete?

So 3 days before the Live Announcement of the Open workouts I registered. At that moment I don’t know why, or how, or what I was thinking. Yet I created an account, paid my $20 and I am in.

I told myself , I’m doing these workouts! Whether RX or scaled this 38-year-old woman of 3 is doing it! I will smile, I will enjoy myself, and damn it I will learn something. I am registered for the sheer love of Crossfit, MY love for this sport-that simple.

1st step in recognizing you’re an athlete is calling what you do ” a sport ” So I am here, a part of the open, a part of the hype whether I am an Athlete or not.

** Thursday 2/26/15

Here’s the thing, all I keep hearing is how awesome the open is! How athletes PR! How athletes get their 1st double unders? 1st toes2bar? How you can grow wings, do magic, and be as pretty as a princess?

Really!? Where’s my cape? Come on! What is about to happen to me during the next 5 weeks?

Double unders ( 1st holy crap it happened during the open ) moment.

Today I did double unders! You got it! 2 in a row! Then while practicing I was able to do, single, single, double!! The workout hasn’t even been announced yet and already my super powers are beginning to surface.

Hearing the announcement of 15.1 and 15.1a I am literally sitting on the edge of my seat, excited! Then he says toes2bar, oh my! I am not yet able to do this. Damn! Yes this is my 1st thought. Then comes 15.1A,clean and jerk! AAAHHHH! Really heavy weight over my head! Yeah not really my thing. Can I get my $20 back?

Now I know I am walking into my box tomorrow to face my coach who is ready for me to hang from that bar and throw some weight over my head. So, I finish watching the announcement, I watch Rich and Matt throw down. I am now doubting my super powers and seriously wondering what the hell was I thinking?

Let me be honest here too. I haven’t done a split jerk with weight EVER! I have always carried that fear of getting some heavy weight over my head. How do you overcome that fear by tomorrow? You watch a few videos on how to clean and jerk & then call it a night.

There’s no turning back now!

Friday 2/27/15

I am about as ready as I am ever going to be. There’s a buzz in the box like no other. I literally have butterflies from excitement and just wanting to do well.

Before the workout starts I actually tell George, my coach,  I am here just for fun,no pressure! Just need to reiterate that to him incase he thinks I am participating in this workout for any other reason.

So the workout is as follows for me:

9 mins amrap:

15 knees2waist/ 10 deadlift 55#/ 5 power snatch 55#

I go into this workout thinking it’s a 6 min amrap so at the 6 minute mark, I drop off the bar and then realize we are still going. Not sure if this worked against me or for me. Note to self: 1st lesson learned during the open is PAY ATTENTION!

Onto clean & jerks! I have 6 minutes now to establish my 1rm. Crap! I don’t have a clean & jerk max. What the hell!? A year and a 1/2 of Crossfit and I was absent every time we did this. Really?

My recent clean max is 135, my jerk max is 110 from 11 months ago and my split jerk max is a 15#bar.Yeah Kelly- you got this!

Remember you paid $20 for this experience.

I start at 85# because I need a practice go at the split jerk. I am throwing it up there then catching it while jerking all while trying to do my nails and pay my taxes. 85# feels good, then 105#, 110#,  115#, #120 but I fail. Oh hell no!!  I planned to throw 125# up there I am NOT failing at 120! I pick up the bar and #120 goes up. It’s a good lift! Time called.

(2nd Holy crap it happened during the open moment: clean & jerk at 120# PR!!! )

( 3rd Holy crap it happened during the open moment: I finished yes finished 15.1 & 15.1a )

Friday 2/27/15 ( Night-returning to the gym )

All day I held onto my excitement about the morning festivities. That evening I headed back to the gym, my intention was to do another workout and some good stretching.

I get there and the excitement is HIGH! I walk in and  George asks me to judge, I say yes. I’m thinking I am going to judge a non-competing athlete. Another comical moment bc how does this even make sense. Nope he would like me to judge him.

( lesson #2 of the open: PAY ATTENTION! )

Really? Remember earlier before I competed when I told you I was here for fun, no pressure! At this moment this is more nerve-wracking then the workout. Yet, he’s trusting me with this job. Holy experience! I am in!Next thing I know my palms are sweaty and George is explaining the judges sheet to me.

And here we go!

I have to tell you that judging your own coach is an awesome experience and honor. This was definitely my ( 4th holy crap it happened during the open ) moment. This was also my favorite moment.

After George was finished I was so excited for him, I hugged him, broke down his bar, then went to his wife Lisa, hugged her and kissed her on the head like she was my kid. ( another comical moment for me during the open ) I did so, because I am so appreciative of the faith these 2 people have in me, they always seem to believe in me 1 step further then I believe in myself.

Experiencing the open thus far has been so exciting and so rewarding. I am so thrilled with my decision to be a part of this. It’s one thing to know what you are capable of & what you can accomplish but it’s a whole other thing to see what others are capable of & what they can accomplish.

Its going to be an amazing 5 weeks with all of you athletes!

My 5th ( holy crap it happened during the open ) moment is recognizing myself as an athlete. An athlete who has 5 weeks to chase the strong woman.

16 thoughts on “Experiencing The Open ( Week 1- holy crap! It happened during The Open! )

  1. Kelly,
    Great way of explaining how we all have felt, I believe all of us that have stuck it out are there for similar reasons, We do it for us, we feel better when we finish a WOD,no matter how tough we think it is. By the way Saturdays are becoming my favorite day. Your attitude is infectious and its what make our box tick, on to 15.2. YEAH KELLY!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Outstanding Kelly! I laugh every time I read this…and I’ve read it about 5 times. I look forward to your future blog posts!


    1. George I hope I continue to make you laugh with my future posts bc I am really having the time of my life over here and your all a big part of it- please keep reading your name is sure to appear in many posts


  3. Kelly every time you write about crossfit it is everything I am thinking…you are a beautiful writer and such a strong women inside and out… Will look forward each week to read your experiences..


  4. Kelly,
    that was a good read and brings the experience to life and
    I think your enthusiam, perserverance and just all around hard work is an example for me and helps to make it fun for everyone


  5. Yeah, Kelly!

    I was also hesitant about signing up for the open, but I’m so glad that I did. It’s so much fun, and it definitely makes you push yourself harder.

    Awesome job today! I can’t wait to read your next post 🙂


  6. You are a remarkable woman, Kelly. Watching you “grow” at our gym has been awesome. I can’t wait to see all the other things that I know you’re capable of. Thank you for inspiring me and all the other women in our gym. Love you! ❤️


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